our operations

The Alumni Association of College not only has regional chapters in India, but also have a presence internationally.

Chapters in India:

  1. Southern Stephanian Society, Bangalore
  2. Stephanian in the Hills,
  3. Stephanians in Rajasthan,
  4. The Stephanians in the Northeast (SINe)
  5. Lucknow Chapter
  6. Stephanians in Delhi
  7. Calcutta Chapter
  8. Mumbai Chapter
  9. Madhya Pradesh Chapter
  10. Calcutta Stephanian Chapter
  11. Stephanians in Chennai

International Chapters:

  1. The US – California, New York
  2. Europe
  3. United Arab Emirates
  4. Singapore
  5. Japan
  6. Australia
  7. Stephanians in the UK
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